Sex toys perth

Thursday 6 November 2014

Using Cute Lingerie to Strengthen Intimacy

When we think of cute lingerie we have a tendency to think of it as a costume that triggers and initiates sex – and a costume we don’t plan to wear for very long, either. In fact, one reason some women reject cute lingerie has nothing to do with modern thinking or women’s rights, and everything to do with spending forty minutes getting the outfit on, doing hair and makeup, and then having the whole kit torn off and possibly stained after just a few moments of excitement. Not that people are necessarily complaining about their lingerie being torn off in heated passion.

But cute lingerie is meant to be more than just a momentary kink that acts as kindling – though it certainly does a good job at that. No, lingerie can also be a bridge between two partners, a way of building intimacy between them all day long that is less of an incendiary spark and more of a slow burn.
Lingerie Intimacy for Her

One obvious way this can work is when a man buys lingerie for his partner, and she wears it all day long. This obviously requires the man to know a bit more about cute lingerie than just what he likes – comfort and practicality have to be considered. But ‘lingerie’ literally means ‘underwear’ - it doesn’t have to involve frills and lace and complicated straps. A pair of comfy but sexy undies that he has selected just for her will remind her all day long that he is thinking about her in a sexual, intimate way – and that is very exciting.
Lingerie Intimacy for Him

They don’t make much in the way of male lingerie, of course, but the same principle can apply. Giving your man a piece of subtle lingerie, such as a garter, to wear under his clothes all day will not only give him a thrill of kink, but will serve to remind him all day long that you’re thinking of him and waiting to see him later.

The feel of special underwear triggers the tactile part of the brain that connects what we feel physically with what we feel emotionally, tying us closer together and ensuring that even when we’re apart we’re connected. That’s the true power of lingerie. For the next anniversary, birthday, or date night, consider boosting intimacy with a gift of cute lingerie.

Men’s Sex Toys in Perth

When people discuss sex toys in Perth – which happens more than you might imagine – they generally talk about sex toys designed for use by women. In fact, there’s a certain stigma attached to sex toys in Perth meant for men, and the men who might actually use them. This sort of double standard is, unfortunately, fairly typical: When it comes to sex, men are supposed to find things like toys and costumes humiliating, largely because they are associated with women.

The fact is, anyone’s sex life can be enriched and expanded through the use of toys, whether used with a partner or solo. The technology and design behind male sex toys in Perth has, luckily, gone through a Golden Age of sorts, and there are more choices for men than ever before.


The male relationship with self-love is complex. Most men engage in it and enjoy it, but from a young age they are often taught it’s shameful, and thus they are reluctant to discuss it or even admit to their partners that they engage in it. The fact is, if you’re going to engage in it, why not do so with the most pleasure and satisfaction? A masturbator can take an already-pleasurable experience and make it even more intense and satisfying.

Cock Rings

Traditional cock rings are used to intensify and prolong erections by restricting blood flow – which can quick some men out. More modern cock rings vibrate, and can be worn during intercourse to stimulate the clitoris while engaging in sex, which can increase pleasure for both partners. The feeling of power and satisfaction you get from knowing with certainty that your partner climaxed due entirely to your ministrations is powerful stuff.

Anal Balls

For the slightly more advanced man interested in the sextoys in Perth made for men, anal balls can provide incredible stimulation for any man, either on their own or as part of an adventurous evening with a partner. If you’ve never used any sort of anal stimulation before it may take a slow introduction to get used to them, but they are a simple, easy-to-use, and perfectly safe way of stimulating one of the most sensitive pleasure zones of the male body.

There’s no rule that says you have to always use something; try something once and never again if you like. It’s all up to you!

Sex in Perth Made Easier with Sex Furniture

Sex is one of the few things in life that really can’t be done ‘wrong’ but can always be done better. Even the most awkward and unfortunate sexual encounter is better than no sexual encounter at all, assuming it’s consensual, but whether you’re on a first date that’s breaking all known speed limits or you’ve been with your partner for decades, you can always find ways to punch up your sex in Perth.

One exciting development is in the realm of sex furniture. Never heard of sex furniture? That’s not too surprising, as it’s not a common topic even among people who regularly discuss sex in Perth and their role in it. But sex furniture isn’t just for the lazy or the strange – it should be a common occurrence in everyone’s lives.

From Simple to Kinky

Sex furniture comes in two basic categories: Furniture designed for convenience, and furniture designed for restraint and other kinks.

The furniture designed for convenience makes sex in Perth a little less exhausting. For example, a Wedge is a padded wedge-shaped item that simply provides support for various positions – and anyone who’s gotten winded and pulled a muscle trying for some exotic position can appreciate the convenience of such a nifty product.

Furniture designed for kink is usually similar in basic design, but often comes with restraints built in so your partner can be strapped to the furniture. Some advanced designs also allow the position of your partner to be altered by you, without having to release them, giving you full control over their experience.

The Path to Adventure

The right approach to sex in Perth using sex furniture is to simply relax and see where it takes you. What starts off as a desire to spare your lower back while enjoying your favourite positions can easily lead to an ‘oops’ moment that shows you just how kinky you can be without even trying that hard, and sometimes just having your legs in a different place can make the same old same old seem startlingly new.

So, the best advice is: Start off slow and familiar. Let the furniture do the work and enjoy the moment. Watch some videos – there are plenty online – and learn some new techniques that aren’t too scary. Before you know it, you’re doing things you never imagined – and sparing your back too.